How to Build Sand Castles with Inexpensive Tools

A beach vacation wouldn’t be complete without the fun of building sand castles. Simple tools like buckets and small shovels are a favorite of our sand castle architects, but there are also other tools you may not think about that can be used to make the building process even better Here is how to build sand castles with some inexpensive tools.

Kitchen Gadgets

Just by taking a quick look in your kitchen, you will find lots of tools that can be used.

  • Plastic Containers – All of those plasticware containers – round and square containers can be used to build some of the foundational blocks for sand castles.
  • Funnels – perfect for the tops of towers to make the cone shape.
  • Measuring Scoops – Rounded measuring scoops can make a fun decoration on the roof.
  • Small Buckets – Save buckets and containers that food comes from bulk purchasing.


  • Paintbrushes – small and large paint brushes are great for smoothing out sides and seams
  • Plastic Spackle Knives – wide and narrow spackle knives are useful for building walls.

Inexpensive Sand Castle Kits to Purchase

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If you want to add a premade kit to your tools, there are a lot of inexpensive kits on Amazon. Here are three all under $15.